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HELP FMATCHES                                         A.Sloman June 1991

NOTE (8 Jan 2005):
This is made redundant by the combination of the "!" pattern prefix


This is a version of the Pop-11 matcher that overcomes some of the
deficiences of the standard matcher, defined in HELP * MATCHES, but at a
cost, as explained below. It defines a number of syntax words, i.e.

    fmatches, where, fmatching, endfmatching

with the following patterns of use:

    <list> fmatches <pattern> -> <boolean>

    <list> fmatches <pattern> where <condition> -> <boolean>

    fmatching <list> with <pattern> do <actions> endfmatching;

    fmatching <list> with <pattern>
    where <condition>
    do <actions>

Details follow.

-- Presuppositions ----------------------------------------------------

It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the ordinary Pop-11
pattern matcher described in HELP * MATCHES and TEACH *MATCHES. It is
also useful to know something about sections (see HELP * SECTIONS) and
the difference between "lexical" and "
permanent" (or dynamic) variables, explained in HELP * LEXICAL.

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

 -- Presuppositions
 -- Overview
 -- WARNING "fmatches" is not an ordinary operator
 -- -- Section variables and lexical variables and the cost
 -- -- Repeated embedded segment variables and the cost
 -- Example of fmatches with section variables
 -- Example importing a procedure into a section
 -- Example of fmatches with lexical variables
 -- Finding common sub-lists
 -- Use of "where" to constrain matches
 -- Using -fmatching- to iterate over possible matches
 -- How it works
 -- fmatches_domatch and fmatches_submatch
 -- fmatches_listread
 -- fmatches and embedded procedures
 -- Tracing: only the sub-procedures can be traced
 -- See also
 -- Acknowledgement

-- Overview -----------------------------------------------------------

In order to make this procedure available give the command

    lib fmatches


    uses fmatches

The syntactic operator -fmatches- (so-named originally because
it does "full" matching of certain sorts of patterns) has three main
benefits compared with -matches-.

(a) It can be used with patterns containing lexical and section

(b) It finds some matches (involving repetitions of the same segment
variable) that are not found by -matches-.

(c) A post-match test on the values of the pattern variables can be
added in a "where" expression, and if that returns -false- the matcher
will backtrack and attempt another way to match the list and the pattern

Examples of all three features are given below The first two features
have accompanying disadvantages.

-- WARNING "fmatches" is not an ordinary operator ---------------------

Because it is a syntactic operator it cannot be treated in the same
way as "matches". So it cannot be partially applied, given as an
argument to a procedure, stored in a data-structure, or traced.

In spite of this some people will much prefer it to matches because
it is more general and can be used to write "safer" programs, where
the pattern variables are lexically scoped or section variables
and therefore cannot clash with other variables having the same name.

-- -- Section variables and lexical variables and the cost

The main benefit of -fmatches- is that it allows section variables and
lexically scoped identifiers to be used in the matcher. The cost is that
it has to define "fmatches" as a syntax word that reads in the pattern
at compile time, rather than as an infix procedure identifier like
"matches" and "-->". This means that it cannot be passed as an argument
to another procedure, or locally redefined or traced. However, it does
use an auxiliary procedure -fmatches_domatch- that can be traced, passed
as an argument. etc.

The fact that a procedure cannot be provided with a pattern argument
that is passed to -fmatches- at run time means that it cannot be used to
define procedures like -present- as used in the Pop-11 database package.
See HELP * DATABASE. Instead, it is necessary to define syntax words
that read the patterns in replacing pattern variables with identifiers,
and then call fmatches_domatch as necessary. SHOWLIB * FMATCHES for

-- -- Repeated embedded segment variables and the cost

-fmatches- also has the benefit that it copes with kinds of matches
involving repeated "segment" variables in embedded patterns (i.e. "??"
in nested lists). Some of these matches are not found by -matches-. The
cost of this is that -fmatches- has to save "state" information about
possible ways of varying a match that is later rejected. This slows the
program down a little and can cause extra garbage collections.

-- Example of fmatches with section variables ------------------------

We define two procedures test1a, and test1b, inside section ss1. Both
are exported for use outside the section. Each procedure is given a list
as input and should return -false- if the list contains no words, and
otherwise should return the word found. Both use a pattern containing
the "permanent" (i.e. non-lexical) variable "element". -test1a- uses
-fmatches- and -test1b- uses -matches-. Compare their behaviour:

section ss1 => test1a, test1b;

define test1a(list) -> element;
    vars list, element;
    unless list  fmatches [== ?element:isword ==] then
        false -> element

define test1b(list) -> element;
    vars list, element;
    unless list  matches [== ?element:isword ==] then
        false -> element


;;; Now we test both of them with two lists, outside the section ss1.

test1a([1 2 3 ]) =>
** <false>

test1a([1 2 a 3 ]) =>
** a

test1b([1 2 3 ]) =>
** <false>

test1b([1 2 a 3 ]) =>
** <undef element>

Notice that the first time it is used test1b causes the variable
"element" to be declared. This is because -matches- uses valof applied
to the word "element" in the list, and since it is no longer running
inside the section ss1 where "element" was declared as a local variable,
it is taken to be undeclared. It is therefore declared.

Moreover test1b finds the match satisfied, and assigns the word "a" to
the variable "element" that it has just declared. However the result
returned is the value of "element" in the procedure, i.e. the output
variable is the local variable declared in test1b. As nothing has been
assigned to it, it returns the default undefined value.

However, we can see what happened to the global (permanent) identifier
OUTSIDE section ss1:

element =>
** a

As this example shows, the procedure -matches- cannot safely be used in
procedures that are defined in a section and used outside that section.
However fmatches works fine and does not tamper with the value
outside the section:

test1a([1 2 new_word 3 ]) =>
** new_word

element =>
** a

test1b([1 2 newer_word 3 ]) =>
** <undef element>

element =>
** newer_word

So test1b not only returns the wrong result, it also tampers with
a global variable instead of the one it was intended to use.

-- Example importing a procedure into a section -----------------------

Now see what happens if you import a procedure into a section, without
importing the pattern variables used in it. We define two procedures.
test1c uses fmatches and local variable pp, while test1d uses
matches and local variable qq. Both are imported into section
ss2, but without importing their local variables, and both are
tested in that section. Each simply has the task of finding a word
in the list given to it, and if found, to return it as a result,
otherwise false.

define test1c(list) -> pp;
    vars list, pp;
    unless list fmatches [ == ?pp:isword ==] then
        false -> pp

define test1d(list) -> qq;
    vars list, qq;
    unless list matches [ == ?qq:isword ==] then
        false -> qq

First test them outside any section:

test1c([1 2 3 cat 4]) =>
** cat

test1d([1 2 mouse 3 4 5]) =>
** mouse

Now try them iimported into section ss2

section ss2 test1c, test1d;

test1c([1 2 3 cat 4]) =>
** cat

test1d([1 2 mouse 3 4 5]) =>
;;; FILE     :  /csuna/home/aarons/fmatches   LINE NUMBER:  218
** <undef qq>


-- Example of fmatches with lexical variables -------------------------

Now we try procedures that use two lexical local variables list1 and
list2 as segment variables (preceded by "??") restricted to match lists
of length 2 (followed by ":2"), and where the match succeeds the
procedure should return a list containing the two sublists found. test2a
uses -fmatches- and test2b uses -matches-.

define test2a(list) -> result;
    lvars list, result;

    lvars list1 , list2 ;   ;;; pattern variables

    if list fmatches [== ??list1:2 == ??list2:2 == ] then
        [^list1 ^list2]
    endif -> result

define test2b(list) -> result;
    lvars list, result;

    lvars list1 , list2 ;   ;;; pattern variables

    if list matches [== ??list1:2 == ??list2:2 == ] then
        [^list1 ^list2]
    endif -> result

;;; Now test them and compare the results
test2a([1 2 3 4]) =>
** [[1 2] [3 4]]

test2b([1 2 3 4]) =>
** [0 0]

Because -matches- uses "valof" it tries to access the values of the
pattern variables, and "valof" can only get at values of non-lexical,
i.e. permanent identifiers. (See HELP LEXICAL).

Consequently it does not access the lexical variables list1 and list2.
However, it will have declared and changed the values of two global
list1 =>
** [1 2]

list2 =>
** [3 4]

And this could interact very badly with another program using list1 and
list2 as permanent variables.

-- Finding common sub-lists -------------------------------------------

Suppose you are given two lists
    [ 1 2 3 a 4 5 6]
    [ 11 12 13 14 a 15]

and you want to find if they have a common element, and if so which
it is. You might try putting the two lists into a list, and then
matching it against a pattern with a repeated pattern variable, leaving
it to the matcher to find an appropriate way of decomposing the two
lists, for example:

define findcommon(list1,list2) -> common;
    vars list1, list2, common;

    unless [^list1 ^list2] matches [[== ?common ==] [== ?common ==]]
        false -> common

Now try it:

findcommon([ 1 2 3 a 4 5 6], [ 11 12 13 14 a 15]) =>
** <false>

It fails because once -matches- has found a way of attaching an element
of list1 to the variable -common- it then tries to do the same to list2.
But it happens to choose an element of list1 that is not in list2,
so the attempt fails. But it cannot go back and try another element of
list1, becuase it keeps no record of how far it had got, though it would
succeed in this case where there's only one long flat list:

[1 2 3 a 4 5 6 11 12 13 14 a 15]
    matches [== ?common == ?common ==] =>
** <true>

common =>
** a

But if we redefine the procedure to use -fmatches- (calling it
getcommon), it will work even with the embedded lists:

define getcommon(list1,list2) -> common;
    vars list1, list2, common;

    unless [^list1 ^list2] fmatches [[== ?common ==] [== ?common ==]]
        false -> common

Now try it:

getcommon([ 1 2 3 a 4 5 6], [ 11 12 13 14 a 15]) =>
** a

It would work just as well with lexical variables:
define getcommon(list1,list2) -> common;
    lvars list1, list2, common;

    unless [^list1 ^list2] fmatches [[== ?common ==] [== ?common ==]]
        false -> common

getcommon([ 1 2 3 a 4 5 6], [ 11 12 13 14 a 15]) =>
** a

Here are some more cases where -matches- cannot cope but -fmatches- can:

vars x,y;

[[1 2 3 4 5] 1 2] matches    [[??x ??y] ??x] =>
** <false>

[[1 2 3 4 5] 1 2] fmatches    [[??x ??y] ??x] =>
** <true>
x,y =>
** [1 2] [3 4 5]

[[1 2 3 4][3 4 1 2]] matches [[??x ??y][??y ??x]] =>
** <false>

[[1 2 3 4][3 4 1 2]] fmatches [[??x ??y][??y ??x]] =>
** <true>

x, y=>
** [1 2] [3 4]

-- Use of "where" to constrain matches --------------------------------

If you want to find a sublist of a list whose length is one of the
elements in that sublist, you can do this:

vars list;
[5 4 8 3 6 15] fmatches [== ??list ==]
     where member(length(list), list) =>
** <true>

list =>
** [3 6 15]

Or looking for two sub-sequences of at least 3 elements, one of which is
the reverse of the other:

[a 1 2 3 4 5 9 4 3 2 1 b]
     fmatches [== ??x == ??y ==] where length(x) >= 3 and x = rev(y) =>
** <true>

x, y =>
** [2 3 4] [4 3 2]

-- Using -fmatching- to iterate over possible matches -----------------

There are two formats for fmatching, one with and one without
a "where" condition.

    fmatching <list> with <pattern> do <actions> endfmatching;

This causes all possible ways of matching the <list> against the
<pattern> to be tried, and for each one of them the <actions> will be
executed. This has a point only if the <pattern> has variables that are
bound differently every time.

An example:
 Given the list [1 2 3 4] print out all pairs of consecutive non-empty
sublists with exactly one element separating them:

vars x, y;

fmatching [1 2 3 4] with [== ??x = ??y == ] do
    if x /== [] and y /== [] then
        [^x ^y] =>
** [[2] [4]]
** [[1] [3]]
** [[1] [3 4]]
** [[1 2] [4]]

The second format, using "where" can be used to express the condition
under which the <actions> should be done. The general form is this:

    fmatching <list> with <pattern>
    where <condition>
    do <actions>

To illustrate this, we remove the condition from the <actions> part of
the last example, and put it in a where <condition>, thus:

fmatching [1 2 3 4] with [== ??x = ??y == ]
    where x /== [] and y /==[]
    [^x ^y] =>
** [[2] [4]]
** [[1] [3]]
** [[1] [3 4]]
** [[1 2] [4]]

There is no difference in function between this version and the previous
one: it is just a question of taste, whether the actions should be
explicitly embedded in a conditional instruction, or whether the
condition is separated out.

-- How it works -------------------------------------------------------

The syntax words -fmatches- and -fmatching- both read the pattern
provided at compile time, checking for any occurences of "?" or "??"
and replacing the following word with the corresponding IDENTIFIER

When the matcher actually runs, it calls -fmatches_domatch- which uses
-idval- and its updater to get at or change the values of the
identifiers in the pattern.

This is unlike -matches- which uses -valof- and its updater on words.
Because identifiers have values directly stored in them, this is
considerably faster than using valof, which has to check which
identifier is associated with the word in the current section, which may
be different from the section relevant to when the procedure was
compiled. Also the mapping between a word and its value given by -valof-
is relevant to which section is the current one when it runs, whereas
the mapping between an identifier and its idval is unique, so problems
of scoping do not arise.

For information on identifiers and -idval- see REF * IDENT.

-- fmatches_domatch and fmatches_submatch -----------------------------

fmatches_domatch(<list>, <pattern>) -> <boolean>
fmatches_domatch(<list>, <pattern>, <procedure>) -> <boolean>

This procedure is called with either two arguments, a list and a
pattern, or three arguments, in which case the third argument is
a procedure to be run after each complete attempted match. If the
procedure returns a non-false result the match succeeds, otherwise
an alternative match will be attempted if there are any saved

Note that if it is called in the context of a where condition or in
fmatching .... endfmatching, then it is always given an extra procedure
argument. Unfortunately this means that if it is traced in that context
it will print out only two arguments, the pattern and the procedure.

fmatches_submatch(<list>, <pattern>) -> <boolean>
This is the lower level procedure which is called recursively to do the
actual matching. It too can be traced and will show the list and
pattern being used.

-- fmatches_listread --------------------------------------------------

This procedure is used by the syntax procedures and syntactic operators
to read in a pattern in the form of a list and replace the variables
with corresponding identifiers. It works by replacing sysPUSHQ locally,
so that if it is given a word as argument immediately following a call
with "?" or "??", then it replaces the word with its identifier.

For reasons concerned with code planted to create a list containing
identifiers it is not possible for the pattern to be a compile-time
constant. I.e. the list will be created whenever the fmatches or
fmatching expression is executed.

It may be possible to extend the program to return such lists to a
free list, e.g. using sys_grbg_list.

-- fmatches and embedded procedures -----------------------------------

Users who understand the complexities of lexical variables, as explained
in REF * VMCODE, in the section on how they are implemented, may like to
ponder the following example.

Test that lexical pattern vars work with type 3 lvars. Define a
procedure that returns two procedures p1 and p2. If p1 is given
a list it checks to see if there is a repeated element. If there is
it stores it in the "hidden" variable -item-. If p2 is run it returns
as result the last thing stored in that variable.

define test() -> (p1, p2);
    lvars item = false, p1, p2;

        lvars list;
        unless list fmatches [== ?item == ?item ==] then
            false -> item
    endprocedure -> p1;

    endprocedure -> p2;


;;; Use it to create a pair of related procedures (lexical closures)
vars (p1, p2) = test();

;;; check the stored value
p2() =>
** <false>

;;; try to alter it
p1([a mouse and the mouse trap]);

;;; check
p2() =>
** mouse

p1([a b c]);

p2() =>
** <false>

-- Tracing: only the sub-procedures can be traced ---------------------

Although fmatches cannot be traced, the following procedures can be:

    fmatches_submatch(<datum>, <pattern>)

    fmatches_domatch(<datum>, <pattern>, [<procedure>])

When traced the latter will only show two arguments. So if used with
"where" it will show the pattern and the procedure argument. For
more informative tracing it will generally be useful to include
print statements showing how variables have been bound.

-- See also -----------------------------------------------------------



-- Acknowledgement ----------------------------------------------------

The state saving was originally implemented by Jon Cunningham. The
technique of using "where" as a syntactic operator was originally, as
far as I know, devised by Tom Khabaza. Steve Knight made useful
comments and suggestions.

--- C.all/help/fmatches
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1991. All rights reserved. ----------